Monday, February 27, 2006

Update # 2

Mission Team Updates:

- We will need to provide our own drinking water. FEMA trucks have left the area.

- Marilyn and Ellie are still collecting hand-writting notes of encouragement, our "Lakeshore Letters". A banner has also been made.

Greg London or Pastor Don Elbourne or another man will be there to meet us when we arrive on Saturday. We are all set to stay in the same bunkhouse, men and women separated, of course. There are going to be many other volunteers there the same week we're there, and that is why Joelle (another assistant) is getting involved - to keep things organized for us.

People do work on Sundays, after church. Dress for Sunday is jeans, just like all the rest of the time. They are delighted that Paul is a licensed electrician, and they will have him work on a house. They have all the materials they need, such as wire, etc. (Paul, I think you want to bring your own tools, though.) For those of us who are doing clean-up, there are limited tools, so we can bring things we need if we have space.

They do have toilets now, and toilet paper! Sometimes they have water at the sites, and sometimes they don't. But they can usually get what they need at Walmart, including most basic foods. There is an 18-wheeler at the school one mile from the church with lots of foods that we can use for free... They are bulk foods, including potatoes, vegetables, etc. They would be free for volunteers from the church. There is no meat there, but Walmart has basic meats. On Saturday and Sunday a church is going to prepare food for 120-200 people, for volunteers and the church community. That will take care of our Saturday dinner and our Sunday lunch. It may be that there will be a cook on premises for more of our time, but that is not certain. Plus we have to be careful, because sometimes people say they will do something, and then they don't show up.

There is one charcoal grill on site. There is refrigeration available. Most cell phones work, at least outside... Any other questions?

Thanks for being so flexible. I think we will need to go with the flow and be satisfied with whatever we are able to accomplish. God knows our hearts. Let's pray that we may be as effective as possible and that we may be a blessing to Him and to those we serve - and to one another. Mission trips tend to do more for those who serve for some reason. Must be God's way. I am so looking forward to serving with each of you. Remember, I have never coordinated a trip like this before, so don't feel bad to point out what I'm overlooking. We're a TEAM! May God bless you and those you leave behind for the week!

Love, Marilyn


At 3:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

May God bless each and every one of you for the task you are taking on. You will all be in my prayers and I am proud of you all.

Have a safe trip!


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