Saturday, April 01, 2006

More Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests:

- Harvey - May he know God's love and comfort.
- Serena - For continued strength after losing family members.
- For the 65-year old woman who just lost her home.
- For church members who request on-going prayer.
- For workers who live there, including Pastor Don, Greg, Joelle, Miss Bea, Betty, Lynn...Praise for so many volunteers from so many places.
- For on-going support, financial and labor and supplies.
- For young moms with children.
- For those who have been injured or who are not well.
- For families who have lost so much.
- For people without jobs who have mortgages and no homes or cars.
- For protection for the area during the upcoming hurricane season.
- That many will come to know Jesus in a personal way.
- For Emily... I pray that she is safe!



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